Problem with Attribute Detection?

jilliansjillians Member Posts: 33
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

So i'm having a really strange issue, and i can't seem to pin point it. First off, lets take a look at my test level:

So the point is to get these guys from the purple box at the top, to the purple box at the bottom. When you get 8 of them together at the bottom, they should all vanish. Note the counter on the left.

When 8 of them are placed on the bottom box, it changes an attribute which should cause the actors to be destroyed if they are overlapping that box... The counter then resets to 0 and you start all over again. There is an animation that goes off every time you hit an increment of 8 as well, so i know the math is working.

The issue is they are not all getting destroyed when they are supposed to:
When that counter reads "8", that box should be empty. The funny thing is sometimes it will destroy them all, but sometimes it misses some, and occasionally it will miss a lot...

Does anyone know what's going on?


  • jilliansjillians Member Posts: 33
    To add to this issue as well,

    Sometimes the guys don't read when they are dropped in the box, and i'll have to tap them again to make them register....

    Sometimes they register and the counter goes up, but when they are shipped (i.e. actors in the box are supposed to be destroyed) they aren't destroyed, however, they will get destroyed later, when another set of 8 actors is supposed to get destroyed....

    I made no sense : D
  • gyroscopegyroscope I am here.Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 6,598
    Hi Jillian, not quite certain what's going on there, personally, but maybe try the following, which by the sound of it is slightly different than your Rules:

    Make a boolean for each actor, A1Box, A2Box, etc:

    In each actor, changing the boolean accordingly, of course, put

    When actor overlaps or collides with actor of type Box
    Change attribute A1Box to true
    Change Attribute Counter to Counter +1

    When A1Box is true
    When counter = 8
    Destroy behavior

    The above would mean that the last actor in the box sets all of them to be destroyed; I think that's what you're after? Hope it helps, anyway.

    Love your jolly graphics, by the way!


    ""You are in a maze of twisty passages, all alike." - Zork        temp domain

  • jilliansjillians Member Posts: 33
    Er deleted post... hold on a sec
  • jilliansjillians Member Posts: 33
    So i think i get what your saying, and i have it set that way, except not with a specific boolean per actor. The problem with that is the actors spawn infinitely, so i have a general stat.

    Currently they are supposed to die when the counter reaches 8:

    When the birds are released into the box, it gives you +1 to your score, which is "picount", and plus one to the counter which is "pipackage". Once it's in the box, i have a game attribute that is boolean, which is "piboxed" that gets turned on.


    when the birds are in the box, and pibox is true, and the counter = 8, they are destroyed...

    Although, now i'm thinking a i did it a little backwards.

    If the birds are in the box, the pibox should only be true when the counter hits 8. If pibox is then true while overlapping with the bottom box, then they actor should get destroyed.

    I think that might work.... i will see! Any other suggestions are also welcomed.
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