Simple Constrain and Rotation Problem

kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

hello guys i think this could be a simple problem but i am not sure. this is not working for me but hear goes.

i have watched tshirtbooth's video tutorial on constraining

and this worked fine. but i have got a (vector to angle) rotation with it. however when i use this my actor (actor 2) does not constrain to (actor 1) when my (actor 1) is upside down (actor 2) does not constrain completely right.

does anybody have any ideas. like i said i bet you this is simple but i just do not know.


  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    i am sorry but the other ones where closed please can you help. Like i said i did not mean it
  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    no with the left and right key's. this is different isn't it. if not please can you tell me
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    ok never mind i though i would try. never mind i will sort it
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    Tshirtbooth you must understand this firstly I do know how to change the left and right keys and I have done that for touch. Secondly I know a lot more than when I talked to you last. The whole point of giving me a second chance was I thought to help me as well.

    I have also added drag into your template, and when I go to preview it the bar just goes outwards. Please can you try me again please with helping.

    This is a problem most people I think will struggle with and not just me. Like I said the idea is not to spam. If you can help I will be forever grateful.

    I do not know you are so angry with me because it is not my folt someone kept banning me. Please find it in your heart to help me again

  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    Any Other solution, i would love it if you could help me with this problem did i mention the bar goes outwards when i added the drag code in. any solutions please
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    the idea is not to spam? You spammed my pm box with about 50 pms in a hour and my email address, so thats a bunch of bs. Your lucky your even unbanned. Now about 100 people have told you what to do and sent you demos and you still dont understand. I dont like to tell people this but honestly you dont get it and no matter how many peopel tell you or show you your not gonna get it right, so just stop. Also stop begging for help. You can pay tshirt or someone to fix it for you, thats your only option at this point.

    The only reason im even leaving this thread open is cause if i close it i know youlll just make another one.
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    Firstly JohnPapiomitis that was in the past and yes i am sorry for that. Secondly i have learnt a lot quite recently so i know more. Thirdly what t-shirtbooth sent me does not have drag rule in it and if he added this then he would see that the bar does not constrain to the triangle. the rotation which i changed to a touch command in stead of a keyboard command works fine.

    But when i added the drag command in the bar does not constrain properly to the triangle.

    So please help me, i know more now and i just need a little bit of help for my last problem.
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    Ok, i have almost done there is only one problem though, when you do not touch the middle of the bar which is constrained to the triangle the constraint goes funny and a bit weird. this only happens when i touch the end of the bar. please help for the last problem for months
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    If you fix this problem tshirtbooth i will not bother you ever again on this and i will not look for your help again. please i am begging you to have a look at this please. i am just so close to ending this problem once and for all. if you do this problem for me you can personally ban for 2 weeks if i bother you with this problem ever again.

    trust me please
  • kirklandkirkland Removed Posts: 268
    bump tshirtbooth
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