Scene starting with invisible actors.... Pop-in help.

PixelPunPixelPun Member Posts: 324
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys just wondering how to fix something I feel like should be simple. I have actors that are set up as invisible when the scene starts... but when the scene is first loaded they pop up for like a quarter of a second... I really need them to remain invisible until called on to be visible.. Is there some way I can load these before the scene starts? any ideas?

Thanks in advance!


  • zellhuangzellhuang Member, PRO Posts: 79
    try my method:
    1,DO NOT set this actor invisible, that means select the box in its Attributes-Graphics-Visible.
    2,set its Alpha to 0,that means Attributes-Color-Alpha setted to 0.This should make the actor invisible.
    3,give it a behavior which is a Timer:after ** seconds(select the box "run to completion" and drag another behavior which is Constrain Attribute into the Timer behavior.In Constrain Attribute behavior, u can set the Alpha of the actor's color to 1. That will make this actor visible again.

    Hope this can help you.
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