Need help with a mario bross like game

tabelortabelor Member Posts: 114
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello guys!
I need some help with a platform game or rather with memory management...
I have done everything i could to have the best memory management in my game, i'll explain:+
When mario is walking everything behind him disapear (with destroy actor rule) and the actors spawns while mario is going forward. These are the best tricks for good memory management i know, but it's not enough. The frame rate slows down every time i spawn an enemy and sometimes with the deco, there is lag and is so disgusting...
Now let's give you some info about the images (because i think they are the problem...)
i made my art with flash CS5 and and the only posible option when i export my png images is 24bit channel with alpha channel. Can i export to 16bit channel with alpha channel or even 8 bit channel with alpha channel with another software???


  • DimensionGamesDimensionGames PRO Posts: 993
    Check these out:

    Hope these help :)
  • tabelortabelor Member Posts: 114
    thank you so much !!
    I really think i'm going to put t-shirt booth in the credits of my game to thank him and all the staff of game salad. You are really nice guys!
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    Hey Tabelor,
    The destroy behavior is extremely memory heavy. It may just be better to leave them there.

    To optimize memory, you want to change scenes often. You want to try to split up huge levels into several parts, and then change scene when you reach the end (half) of a level taking you to the 2nd half.

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  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Destroy does not do anything Positive or negative to the memory so there is no point. and What if you go back? The Spawning so many different actors is where your memory is going to take the hit. as well as FPS

    I would draw out your levels as one image and then use Invisible Actors for all of the solid blocks. Then you only need to Place single actors for the breakable blocks and anything that moves. As long as you use the same image for the breakable blocks through out the scene you should be able to have a pretty large scene With very good Performance. Also If you get really good you can cut down those breakable blocks even more by using recycling techniques.

    Oh and one last Thing. Splitting a platformer level over multiple scenes is one of the most insane things I have ever heard. Honestly ask your self how pissed you will be when half way through a mario level you have to wait for a load time to get the rest of the level. I would never in million years recommend Splitting the level up. If you take the time to learn what GS can do you can make a very large level all in one scene that runs great.

    Good Luck.
  • RedlerTechRedlerTech Member Posts: 1,583
    GameSalad does not have a dump memory function (hint hint, make one ;). It dumps memory upon changing scene. That's why I recommended doing that. I've heard this from many popular members, and when you say

    "Honestly ask your self how pissed you will be when half way through a mario level you have to wait for a load time to get the rest of the level."

    this really depends on how great of a dev you are. Create your levels with things like teleportals and doors to take you to the next section of a level, and optimize your game so players will barely notice loading times.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Your abilities as a dev will never over come that fancy little loading wheel unless you are good enough to not use it. :)

    GameSalad has added more ways it dumps memory. Sure a dump behavior would be nice but this completely do able with out one.
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