need some help

WalkaboutoracleWalkaboutoracle Member Posts: 3
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I downloaded game salad 0-beta and inkspace.
I found that I cannot set the attribute size the field is frozen so are other field. So I am not sure if I have the right version. Can someone help here.

Secondly, I think I need to make my images in Inkspace then import them into game salad. Is this the correct process?

3rd When I make round objects in Inspace and import them into Game salad I end up with a rectangular frame with a round object. How do I get rid of the rectangular frame?

New to all of this


  • creativeappscreativeapps Member Posts: 1,770
    Please dont create 2 thread on similar topics.
  • SpriteAttackSpriteAttack Member Posts: 524
    Sorry.... I can't help with the first question... but as for number two: Yes, you can create art in inkscape and export it as a png [which will work in gamesalad]. I would suggest also installing gimp and working with inkscape and gimp to optimize the art as each tool has different approaches and strengths.
    I am not quite sure what the third problem is, walkabout... It might due to images always being detected as squares - the empty space around it does not change the fact that a bitmap is always a rectangle filled with coloured and empty pixels. Is the frame in the exported image as well or just in gamesalad and does it still show when you run the app?
  • beefy_clyrobeefy_clyro Member Posts: 5,394
    1. What attribute(s) are you talking about?

    2. As SpriteAttack said.

    3. You need to create the image on an alpha background and export as a png, this will remove the white in the rectangle. It will however still be detected as a rectangle in GS unless you tell that actor its collision shape is circular. (In the left hand menu of the actor once double clicked.)
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