Replicate is bad for your health !
Just wanted to share something i just figured out ,
I'm currently working on a game that has a very long scene , i have a repeated background ,
What i did was replicating the background (about 10 times) to the right .
i had terrible performance (30-40 fps) and all day long i blamed it on my movable actors and tried to optimize them , after no success in improving performance , i started eliminate all kind of stuff in the game to find what caused it , eliminating the background with only the replicate behavior , made my fps jump to 55-60 !
So yeah , you may use replicate for small images i guess , (not sure about performance there) but DO NOT REPLICATE BIG IMAGES like backgrounds, otherwise you end up going nuts like i did finding what causing fps drop !
I'm currently working on a game that has a very long scene , i have a repeated background ,
What i did was replicating the background (about 10 times) to the right .
i had terrible performance (30-40 fps) and all day long i blamed it on my movable actors and tried to optimize them , after no success in improving performance , i started eliminate all kind of stuff in the game to find what caused it , eliminating the background with only the replicate behavior , made my fps jump to 55-60 !
So yeah , you may use replicate for small images i guess , (not sure about performance there) but DO NOT REPLICATE BIG IMAGES like backgrounds, otherwise you end up going nuts like i did finding what causing fps drop !
but it consume fps . Exactly what I'm about to do , thank TSB !