custom font problem

slevslev Member Posts: 99
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
im having trouble with the custom font method that tshirtbooth outlined in his video,

whats odd is ive got it to work on the "game over screen" once the characters died
but when dragging the same score actor and changing the div into the gameplay scene but
it dosnt work here

dose this sound odd or is this normal i cant see why it shouldnt be working ?


  • slevslev Member Posts: 99
    just changed the intiger div to 10 and antoher at 100, 1000, 10000 ect

    working perfectly in one scene and not the other, also noticed if i use an actor to display game.score (an interget) the score wont go any higher than 1000 not sure if its conected ?
  • slevslev Member Posts: 99
    just noticed that the custom fonts work fine in all scenes but one, is there any thing that could cause this ?
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