T-Shirt Booth template problem

gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I got a template pack from TSBooth a while back (the one that includes the ball jump template).

I'm wanting to use this type of movement control in a new game I'm looking at making. But I've run into a problem with the template that I can't work out how to fix.

I sent an email to TSBooth about this, but didn't get any response.

The template uses the standard scene width, but I want to use a wider scene and have the main actor (the ball in the template) control the camera so the scene scrolls with it.

The ball jump works fine until it passes past centre of the screen and the initial scene scrolling happens as it follows the ball. Once this has happened, the touch to set the trajectory no longer works, and you can not move anymore.

If anyone else has used this template, or has any idea where to look to get this to work, can they let me know?


  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    TShirt, yep that's me. I'll try emailing you from a different account.
  • harlin36harlin36 Member Posts: 101
    I have the same problem with controlling my actor on a wider screen.Can anyone please post the answer on here?
    I'm pretty desperate,so any help would be greatly appreciated!!

  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    TShirtBooth pointed me to the link below on the GS Cookbook. Should help you out.

  • harlin36harlin36 Member Posts: 101
    Yeah cheers gurechan I tried this fix before but it doesn't work on my actor which is controlled by touching the screen outside the actor and is not constrained to the mouse or anything.

    Anyone help?
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