Embed as a Facebook APP

arcticsunrisearcticsunrise Member Posts: 159
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

This video did tell us how to put the game into our facebok fan page but its very different at the moment

I managed to setup an app - and put the canvas url in but it is asking for secure url

Secure Canvas URL will be required on October 1, 2011.
Secure Page Tab URL will be required on October 1, 2011.

Anybody got any idea or help in the steps provided to get the game onto facebook - i want to have it as a page tab for the clients fan page ?

Thank you



  • arcticsunrisearcticsunrise Member Posts: 159
    OK i got it in the right places and its there as an app.

    Only trouble is that becuase there is no secure canvas url i.e https://e.gamesalad
    then for users to see it they have to turn ff secure browsing

    Gamesalad are you going to offer a secure connection to the html5 platform ?
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Good question.

    I would also like to know how to get it so that you can have comments beneath your game and how you can have it so people can share your game or recommend it or whatever.

    Seems like the GS team has this working for Two Broke Girls on FB. It would be nice if they included that in the How To Video.
  • briscoeleebriscoelee Member Posts: 42
    I'm also waiting for this... But people can still play the non-secure version:


    ...cookbook video also needs updating as the new facebook developer page looks nothing like the one in the video!
  • arcticsunrisearcticsunrise Member Posts: 159
    yes i can embed mine as i a. figured the new developer page and b. realised it needed to be non secure - however you get a horrid warning rather than being able to tell the user they can switch to unsecure browsing to play.

    as i test i asked all my close facebook friends (12 gamer mates )to play it and all of them replied with the warning - they all use facebook over secure connection as standard - same as me.

    So really gamesalad needs to combat this by having a secure url for the e.gamesalad.com embed to enable it to work in facebook. to be fair its a small request to add on to the pile of html5 features that pro users want implementing but its still worth throwing in ... as social engagement of games through these platforms are essential for marketing and securing fans for us non commercial developers
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