Tips to reduce ram usage?
just synched my game onto my ipod touch and tried to run it, it runs fine at main menu/other screens, but when begining the game it just crashes.
every actor that isnt movable, i have unticked the movable setting on each actor.
my project file in gamesalad is only 13.3mb, and when i synched the app it was 23.3mb
what else can i do to reduce the ram usage so it runs better?
every actor that isnt movable, i have unticked the movable setting on each actor.
my project file in gamesalad is only 13.3mb, and when i synched the app it was 23.3mb
what else can i do to reduce the ram usage so it runs better?
whilst at the main menu, the ios simulator said about 43mb including game engine, sound, images and other. "other" seems to take up the MAJORITY of the ram on my game o.O
while playing it starts on 71mb, but casually increases during gameplay, and by the time you've come to completing it, it might go up to perhaps 90mb, its almost as if its not recycling the ram.
and playing it on the ios simulator, whilst in the same scene, the ram usage NEVER goes down? it just gradually goes up and up. regardless of how many actors/things are going on the screen. as you'd expect it to have peaks and lows depending on how many enemies functions are currently active, seems regardless it just continues to go up.
any ideas?
Also have you got large sound files or something that might cause it...
Also put up a beta test and see how it is running on other devices get some feedback make sure if not just a device issue.
Good Luck