***New Sounds Pack! for a GREAT PRICE!***

OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey Guys!
I brought a NEW Sound Pack
My last pack was at http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=32669,

I decided to create a new one with music that we can use in our games. for example: in menus, background, levels, stages, etc..

Here is a Video About this Pack and It shows you the more than 200 Complete Sounds

Some of this Sounds come in Long, Medium and Short sizes. So you can just drop them into your game!

Do you like it?
Each of the Sounds was created at Pro Tools 8 and Exported in top quality..

Pack : $25 Dollars
Just for the First week I am going to Drop the Price to $19.99!!!

To buy it, first just send me an email to ozgraph@hotmail.com saying that you are going to pay. Leave your name and email.. then Pay at : ozi_elos@hotmail.com (IN PAYPAL)
Again my email of Paypal is: ozi_elos@hotmail.com

Then you will recieve an email from me with the download links. To recieve the email can take from 10min to 24 hr. NO MORE THAN THAT.

Thanks, I would like to hear from you guys what you think about it!


Also check out my other Pack! http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=32669


  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    I am going to be online for the next 8 hours!
  • samurai2020samurai2020 Member Posts: 32
    Quick question - Does you pack have sound effects like clicking buttons in menu, etc?
  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    Nop but this one those!

    samurai2020 said:
    Quick question - Does you pack have sound effects like clicking buttons in menu, etc?

  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    Why nobody is interested in this GREAT PACK?!
    Price now is $15!!
  • samurai2020samurai2020 Member Posts: 32
    I will buy this package if you will include sound effects to it.
    Let me know
  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    Hey guys! Im sorry I have a technical problem here. I was going to use Rapid Share, but the company delayed my links because I was not a premium member so I have to upload all of the files again. For that reason, I am going to refund $5 to the people who have already paid the pack. I will also give an extra pack of sounds to those people. Again, just the people who have already paid.

    For the people who want to order the pack today, the price will only be $10, but you will have to wait 24 hrs to receive the links of the files.

    Please understand, I am sorry for the technical problems. Now I am using Dropbox, which is much better, and I just got an expansion of 50GB because I will start uploading more files to sell at great prices. I am uploading the files right now and it will take about 10 hrs to finish.

    Thanks for your patience.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    Quick Question.

    Are you creating these sounds? and if not, how can you assure that you have the rights to be selling them? Just curious, cause I got the impression from your post that you bought the sounds and are reselling them. did I misunderstand something?
  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    This Sounds are totally made by me. I use some sounds from garageband other ones from nice plug ins of pro tools. and other thing is that some of them are made by friends and they dont care about them anymore because I ask them about this sounds..
    I just need money for my College...
    Any other question?
  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    Hey guys the files are already uploaded and the price goes down to $9.99 FOR A WEEK!!!
    So just pay and email me and you will recieve the links like in 15 minutes..!!! cuz right now I will be online for the next 5 hours
  • samurai2020samurai2020 Member Posts: 32
    I just sent you payment 10$.
    ID # 16T12534MR892441T

    Looking forward for your music pack!
  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    Great! One second to recieve the links(: Sorry for delay but In the post say that it can take 24 hours, But now sending Files, any question send them to my email.
    I will be online for the next 8 Hours
    samurai2020 said:
    I just sent you payment 10$.
    ID # 16T12534MR892441T

    Looking forward for your music pack!

  • OzGraphicOzGraphic Member Posts: 28
    I am going to give a 20% discount to whoever buys the pack just today so it will be $7.99!!!!
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