Spin loader when testing my game

taytay10taytay10 Member Posts: 66
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
If apple accepts my game into the app store will it continue to show the spinning loader like it does currently when moving from one screen to the next? Also can someone show me how to make a timer that counts down from say 10 seconds to 0 and when reaches zero the level either moves forward or needs to be replayed?


  • steve86steve86 Member Posts: 806
    Hey There.

    Yes the spinning loader will always show.

    There is a very easy way to create your times.

    1.- create an attribute that says timeLeft set that attribute to 10.

    2.- inside an actor in your scene place a timer and select every 1 second change attribute timeLeft to timeLeft - 1

    3.-Create a rule that says when timeLeft = 0 change scene and change attribute timeLeft to 10.

    Hope that helps

  • taytay10taytay10 Member Posts: 66
    where is the pre load checkbox?
  • 3d103d10 Member Posts: 471
    Double click the actor then in attributes.
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