Art Import Problem

PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
I have been following some of the art tuts from SpriteAttack. Which by the way are awesome. But I have a problem when I import my art into GameSalad specifically art from inkscape. I don't know what exactly is the problem but whenever I get art done in inkscape and bring it over to GameSalad and put in a scene it becomes more pixelated or very detailed 8-Bit (IDK how to describe it). Check this pic to see what I mean,

If you compare the too same pictures you can tell the one in the scene isn't as nice if you know how to fix this or how I caused it please let me know.

P.S: If this happens from me moving it from moving it from computer to computer. This could be a problem.


  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    What is 72dpi?

    But everything else is good.
  • 3d103d10 Member Posts: 471
    When you make a new canvas there is an option width height and resolution.make sure resolutuin Is should be 72 dots per inch or pixels.
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    PsychoticStudios said:
    What is 72dpi?

    But everything else is good.

    I see your using a character made from SpriteAttack's tutorials, which means you made it in Inkscape. I have the same problem too with Inkscape exporting. If I want to export it at my desired size, it will only do it at 90 DPI. So what I do is I export the 90 DPI image, use a program such as iResizer, set it at 100% and 72 DPI, and run the image through. It basically makes it 72 DPI without changing the size. Hope this helps!

    EDIT: Also, if you are making for retina, make sure it is divisible by 4 too.

    EDIT 2: Sorry, did see that you said you were using Inkscape.
  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    O.k I get everything but how to set the DPI in inkscape. If someone would be able to show a picture that would help.
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    PsychoticStudios said:
    O.k I get everything but how to set the DPI in inkscape. If someone would be able to show a picture that would help.

    Here is what I do. If someone could tell me an easier way, please do.


    1. Make sure the thing you want to export is selected. Go to File -> Export Bitmap, make sure that the DPI setting is at 90. And the Width and Height values you are exporting is at least divisible by 2, if not 4. Also, don't change them in the Export Bitmap, change them in the toolbar before the Export Bitmap, like in the pic.
    2. Click Selection if it is not already at the top, step 1 may need to be repeated if you have to select it.
    3. Choose a save place. Once you have, clicking "Save" in the browser doesn't do it. You need to click Export for it to go.


    4. Download iResizer
    5. Drag or Use the + button to add your image.


    6. Set the "Settings" tab to the options as above. ↑


    7. Choose a destination, name, the number doesn't matter but it'll be there no matter what, and set "Save As:" to PNG.
    8. Click Resize, and you should have a new, 72DPI exactly the same size as you wanted image.

    Hope this helps!

  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    K thanks I re-sized the pictures so there divisible by 2 and the adjusted the Dpi so it was 72.

    Thanks for the help guys. =)
    JadarStudios said:
    So what I do is I export the 90 DPI image, use a program such as iResizer, set it at 100% and 72 DPI, and run the image through. It basically makes it 72 DPI without changing the size.

    I will try that for my next game.
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    PsychoticStudios said:
    K thanks I re-sized the pictures so there divisible by 2 and the adjusted the Dpi so it was 72.

    Thanks for the help guys. =)

    I will try that for my next game.

    So it worked?
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    PsychoticStudios said:
    K thanks I re-sized the pictures so there divisible by 2 and the adjusted the Dpi so it was 72.

    Thanks for the help guys. =)
    EDIT: Dang, double post. This has been happening lately...
    I will try that for my next game.

    So it worked?
  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    Wait... nope gotta make 92 Dpi and size it down to 72 Dpi. But right now I'm on my windows and it's late so convert the files on my mac tomorrow and tell you guys if it works.
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    I just found this, and thought this could also help. It's a new app from Deep Blue Apps, and it's FREE!
  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    Need help on here,

    If that dosen't work I'll just get the iresize app you were talking about.
  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    Got the app to work but still the pictures are wierd,
  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    Wait fixed it, the files were just big from the beginning.
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    The DBA Inspector works for me, did you get it to work?
  • PsychoticStudiosPsychoticStudios Member Posts: 101
    Yes it just doesn't work sometimes.
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