MoveTo back and forth.... why does it keep going?

TomCoffeeTomCoffee Member, PRO Posts: 175
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Okay.. I'm pretty sure I'm missing something incredibly simple... I spawn and actor that does this:

Position: 250,0 (run to completion, speed 100, relative to actor)

Position: -250,0 (run to completion, speed 100, relative to actor)

That's it... nothing else... I think it should go to the right 250 pixels, and then move to the left 250 pixels, essentially ending up where it started.

It doesn't.

Instead it goes to the right 250 pixels, comes back to the left 250 pixels... and just keeps going... right off the screen. What the heck am I doing wrong?

It's the little teeny things that keep tripping me up....

Thanks for any help...


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