Art or Gameplay first?
What's best to work on first, Art or Gameplay? Usually I just randomly do both but I'm trying to be more organized when I design my games now, and I wanted to know if doing one before the other tends to work better.
However, the art sells the game...
both are important.
If you your intention is to make a good game where people can have some fun then gameplay.
that way both get done at the same time.
**Be sure that you take out all the temp art though. You don't want to be sued for leaving someone elses property in your project.
I do find art visuals make it some what easier to concentrate and get mental images of what you're trying to do.
But I just grab pics off Google for that.
- not which is more important. It really depends on your character and the way
you like to work on something. Take a while and think how you work on other tasks in your life,
dont force yourself to something that may work for someone else, because it may happen that
someones style of work will daunt you to do more.
Its good when you get your initial idea of the game and start working on it.
First think what kind of game its gonna be, try to do some art if you like and put it to motion,
look how it feels.
Whatever you decide to work on first, you have to define some basics of the game. Otherwise you
may end up with game physics that are not suitable for you game art. Long story short listen to your
inner self and enjoy process of creation with this cool app