need help! about WWDR certificate installing

zellhuangzellhuang Member, PRO Posts: 79
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
After I downloaded the AppleWWDRCA.cer , I double clicked it to install it into the keychain. But it just couldn't show in my keychain. So I cannt publish my game!
This is weird, because I can install my developer.cer and distribution.cer to keychain. Why only the AppleWWDRCA.cer cannt be installed. Even after I double clicked it, there was not any error notification.

Is there anyone having the same problem as mine? Can anybody help me solve the problem?
I really appricate of your help!


  • zellhuangzellhuang Member, PRO Posts: 79
    tshirtbooth said:
    try installing it with the keychain closed.
    see if that helps

    thank you and your tutorial video, tshirtbooth
    I have solved the problem :)
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