Actors spawning in different spots on reset?

NtGNtG Member Posts: 103
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I'm having this terribly confusing probably where when i start up the preview, my main character spawns correctly on a platform, however if i lose and hit "play again" the character is spawning underneath the platform. I am so unbelievably baffled by this, can anyone help me out at all?


  • NtGNtG Member Posts: 103
    tshirtbooth said:
    hey there on the spawner check and see if you told it to spawn in front of actor or in front of layer.
    see if that helps


    there is no spawner, it is automatically in the scene at the start and it's position moves for some reason. Im doing a platform game where the platforms move at the opposite direction as the character, could that be causing it?
  • NtGNtG Member Posts: 103
    I change a few things around and now the main character goes launching up in the air at ridiculous speeds on a reset even though i have both the platform and actor's restitution set to 0, so confused.
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