easy question .. i hope

christochristo Member Posts: 14
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
i'm new to gamesalad and want to make a simple "find the difference" type of game.

i have a background with 2 of the same image, of which one has been re-touched. i want to make it so that when you touch on a "difference" a circle will appear around that item.

i have it set-up now, but every time I touch 1 area all 5 circles show up at once – so i obviously am doing something wrong.

thanks so much!!


  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    You need to make instances of each circle. You can either copy each one again and again, and make individual instance in the actor bin, or you can go into each one individually on stage and unlock them, and assign rules individually.

    It sound like you have one actor that is locked, and has rules applied to it that makes it universal. So when one is activated, they all have the same instructions to activate, since they are just copies of the same actor with the same rules applied. They need to be individual actors with individual rules.
  • christochristo Member Posts: 14
    thanks slick zero – how do i properly set an area on the background image that when touched an actor will appear? i was having my circles replace parts of the background, but i dont know if that is the best way

    thanks again for the help
  • I've had success in the past by putting the actor on the screen and setting its Alpha to zero. Then set up a rule so when it's touched you change (or interpolate for a nice ease-in effect) the Alpha back to 1.

    Hope that helps!
  • christochristo Member Posts: 14
    great – i will try that!

  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    That is a great way to do it. There are a few other ways to do it, but for performances sake, what LoneTree said is probably the best practice.
  • christochristo Member Posts: 14
    Ok, I have it setup that way, but I am still having the issue of the circles showing up all at once. I imported separate circles with unique file names and assigned rules after unlocking each circle individually.

    The circles even show-up if i click on any part of the picture

    Rule is:
    Actor receives event mouse button is down >> Interpolate self.Color.Alpha To: 1 Duration: 5 Function: Linear

    sorry for all the questions guys – thanks so much!!
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Do you have that rule applied to the individual actors, or to the background? Make sure there are no rules applied to the background.

    Each actor should have the rule applied to its instance on the stage. And it should work.
  • You could also try to set up the rule so it only triggers when "Touch is Inside". Hopefully that will cause them to only respond when they're touched individually.
  • RThurmanRThurman Member, Sous Chef, PRO Posts: 2,881
    christo said:
    Rule is:
    Actor receives event mouse button is down >> Interpolate self.Color.Alpha To: 1 Duration: 5 Function: Linear

    sorry for all the questions guys – thanks so much!!

    Mouse down gets detected by all actors. If you use touch is released instead, it (the touch) will only be detected by the actor with the rule.

    Hope this helps!
  • christochristo Member Posts: 14
    you guys are the best!
    everything is working as it should now - thank you so much!!
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