When touched by 1 actor another actor destroys all others like it touching.

FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Would anyone have any idea how to do something like when 1 actor touches another, then all actors of the same type that are touching each other from the one that touched it destroys all the others.

Think fire. So if I were to have a bunch of stacks of newspapers and I threw a fireball at one of them the whole stack should burn down.



  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    While I'm asking. Any idea how to put things within the camera view and if the camera moves it stays in the same spot on the camera. For example. If I have a lives bar on the top of the camera and the camera moves across the screen I want that life bar in the same spot.
  • Braydon_SFXBraydon_SFX Member, Sous Chef, Bowlboy Sidekick Posts: 9,273
    Hey Fallacy-

    For your first question,
    I believe if you put a tag on which actors you want (probably search on youtube or cookbook) then just say:

    Rule, when actor overlaps or collides with actor of tag 'Destroy'

    Then destroy behavior.

    I think that should work.
  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    Thank you. I will give that a shot.
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