SOLVED - Project Merger Not Merging Game Correctly, Images Not Merging
Hey guys ,, Project Merger is Not Merging Game Correctly, Images Not Merging (White Label), Can Anyone Help Me Out With This Please.
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Just tested the Merger Application (Version 0.34) with 12 different templates and projects - all with images, complex scenes and Actors etc - in various combinations - and everything Merged as expected.
To ensure you have no 'same named' image assets (between Project 1 and 2), have you tried going to the [Advanced] Menu and selecting to [Prefix] the Image Names? This will resolve any image name conflicts between the 2 projects.
If you are using Merger 0.34, and GameSalad 0.9.82, and are still experiencing problems could you please contact us at: sales [at] deepblueapps [dot] com. We will help you, and fix the problem.
Thanks, T-Shirt but hat should no longer be the case with version 0.34. The work around you describe was required pre this release - unless there is still a bug - which we will resolve.
Thanks Guys
Issue Solved
OK I spoke with Kirk1234 via email and we have found and resolved the issue. Thank you Kirk1234 for taking the time to work with us. The problem however, was not with our GS PROJECT MERGER.
Kirk1234 had various issues including:
a) One project was from GameSalad Version 0.9.0
b) One project was from GameSalad Version 0.9.80
c) A Project had illegal characters in it (periods) - causing the Mac OS Extensions manager to 'grumble'
d) Kirk1234 was not using the latest version of GS Merger [0.34]
He was using version 0.22 which does not handle the new IMAGE and SOUND
system introduced into GameSalad several versions ago.
e) One of the projects already had images missing - even before any form of merging.
After resolving the above issues, the GS MERGER application was able to quickly merge the projects, resulting in a fully functioning, new GS Project file (albeit, one of the projects had some images missing from the outset).
Thanks again Kirk1234
Thanks again , and if a sous chief can change my title and post ,to its working that would be great.