Mac App Store Publishing Error: Solution here! (WWDR certificate not installed.)

butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Just wanted to save people the HOURS of work that it took me to solve this, and thank you to Tshirtbooth for helping me out.

For those of you having trouble publishing to the Mac App store, I tried EVERYTHING short of pulling my hair out :)

Basically it came down to reinstalling my Mac Developer certificates, which I would recommend doing anyway, and updating to Mac OSX Lion. (You may not have to reinstall your certificates, try updating to Lion first, then if you still get the error, reinstall your certificates)

I was running on Snow Leopard before, and had all the correct software updates including the latest Xcode that was matched with Snow Leopard...

So I decided as a last effort, to go ahead and update to Lion. I was successfully able to build a Mac app without getting the "Make sure your WWDR cert. is installed..." error...

Just thought I'd let everyone know to save them the headache of trying to figure this out!

ALSO: This was ONLY the case with Mac apps, iOS publishing worked just fine with Leopard, it was ONLY Mac app publishing that requires Lion.


  • ChobbifaceChobbiface PRO Posts: 491
    Thanks for the heads up. Wow, that really sucks if we have to upgrade to Lion to publish mac apps...
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Just bumping this because I know this is an issue for a handful of people at the moment...
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    CBL said:
    Thanks for the heads up. Wow, that really sucks if we have to upgrade to Lion to publish mac apps...

    I must say how ironic. GameSalad does not officially support Lion yet you must have lion to do MAS publishing. :( Guess its a good thing I don't have a MAS account yet since I also don't have lion.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Ya, I tried every solution to get MAS publishing to work... the last ditch effort was upgrading to Lion (which I thought wasn't the issue) but turns out that WAS the issue, and got it working... sucks for people not wanting to upgrade, but at least it only affects MAS publishing, iOS works just fine on snow leopard.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    I published Arch Fiery to the Mac App Store with Snow Leopard.... BOT too... the problem was that I needed to grab the WWDR certificate from the iOS side of the developer website.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Yea, this is a recent issue though...if you try publishing with Snow Leopard and it works, please let me know, I tried everything yesterday and it didn't work, and I had the WWDR cert. installed...

    (I remember you having that issue with BOT cuz I helped you out with it back then, but this is a new issue)
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    Error... "The file might be corrupted, truncated, or in an unexpected format."
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Hmmm... I got a different error that said "WWDR certificate not installed" which seems to be the case with everyone whose had trouble recently...

    I've also seen that error you got above, but usually after another attempt it works...
  • ClunkyDClunkyD Member Posts: 74
    I downloaded the WWDR put it wont show up in the KeyChain or whatever it's called.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    WWDR certificate shows up in the keychain, just not under "My Certificates" but under "Certificates" and it says Apple Worldwide Developer relations authority.
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    butterbean said:
    I've also seen that error you got above, but usually after another attempt it works...

    Nope... I've tried to publish Arch Fiery (Mac) multiple times since yesterday. The same error occurs. Considering that I haven't made any significant changes to my system since I originally published Arch Fiery, the latest version of GameSalad is suspect.
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Do you have Snow Leopard installed too?

    I also noticed that Apple (for Mac store publishing) created another certificate we need to download... before we only had to have 2 Mac certificates, but I believe they added a 3rd one...

    But even after having done that, publishing (For MAS, NOT iOS) wouldn't work until I upgraded to Lion, I let the GS team know, but I think it has something to do with the latest version of Xcode that messed it up...
  • AHBGamesAHBGames Member, PRO Posts: 121
    Hi everyone !

    I hope to be of some help. I have Snow Leopard installed and i had the same issues as you.
    The solution was to create a new user account on my MAC and then install all three certificates and thats it.
    Hope this helps you.

    Good Luck!
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    hoping for a proper fix to this one! the work-arounds don't work for me or not practical because I don't want to install Lion :D
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @AHB: that's good news! so did you successfully publish a mac game in the last 3 or 4 days using the current version of Gamesalad?

    @izam: there may not be an issue after all if AHBGames successfully published a Mac game using Leopard!
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    @AHB, do you also run gamesalad on the new mac user account?
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    @butterbean, I really don't want to run gamesalad on a different user's really a hassle for me :D
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    @iZam: I agree... that's why I went ahead and upgraded to Lion, as I tried everything else.

    May I ask, why do some prefer not to upgrade their OS to Lion? I personally like the upgrade...
  • YatelandYateland Member, PRO Posts: 81
    thanks ,butterbean.

    I falled on publishing my game to Mac Appstore by GS 0.9.82, it noticed that :

    "Code signing failed. Make sure your Mac developer certificate and WWDR certificate are installed".
    I deleted WWDR and Mac certificates,redo the whole process again. But the problem is till there.

    But with the same app, it succeeded with GameSalad-Creator-0.9.7-beta, I believe it is the problem of new GS 0.9.82-beta version, which couldn't identify the key chain automatically.

    I do not want OSX lion, it's too slow
  • PhoticsPhotics Member Posts: 4,172
    SaladStraightShooter said:
    We're investigating this issue now and working to reproduce and determine a definitive cause. I'll happily provide further information as it becomes available.

    That's good news. I'm not a big fan of Lion. I don't feel like upgrading... not right now anyway.
  • izamizam Member, PRO Posts: 503
    Thanks Head Chef. Hope to see this fix soon in a quick patch up.
    @butterbean, I'm really not too fond of Lion. I'll probably wait for a few more software updates to the Lion OS before I fully jump right into it. I have it installed in another partition on my computer but it seems Snow Leopard is the best for me now...familiar interface and workflow gets my job done a lot faster and less worry.
  • JoeMeisterJoeMeister Member Posts: 602
    SaladStraightShooter said:
    Howdy folks,

    We're investigating this issue now and working to reproduce and determine a definitive cause. I'll happily provide further information as it becomes available.

    Yeah, I have this problem as well ("Code signing failed. Make sure your Mac developer certificate and WWDR certificate are installed".) And its driving me nuts.
    We need an answer. Its no fun to work this way.
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