Creating a reset scene "zone?"

GSHopefulGSHopeful Member Posts: 17
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have an object falling into a basket, and once it's inside that basket for a few seconds I would like the scene to reset.

I tried creating an actor called "reset zone" that I placed inside the basket, then I created a rule for the object that when it overlaps or collides with the "reset zone" that it should reset the scene. Unfortunately, it didn't work out as I thought it would. Instead the object just collides with the "reset zone" and nothing happens.

Could someone out there give me any recommendations?

Thank you.


  • FloridaGamesFloridaGames Member Posts: 328
    I am also having problems with the reset scene/game action, a bug perhaps? anyone else having problems?
  • svnsvn Member Posts: 445
    Nope, the reset scene seems to be working fine for me. I am using GS Engine 0.9.82
  • FloridaGamesFloridaGames Member Posts: 328
    Im also using 0.9.82, but i have a simple actor that has one rule: when touched, reset scene. and it doesn't reset.
  • GSHopefulGSHopeful Member Posts: 17
    For some reason it's working now. That's weird, no idea what the difference is between today and yesterday.

    Thanks for the help!
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