Need help making a timer for my game

taytay10taytay10 Member Posts: 66
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I want to put a timer on my game that has a different time limit on every level. Can some one walk me through the steps to put a timer on my game?


  • micksolomicksolo Member Posts: 264
    Probably the easiest way is to setup some global level attributes for the levels and one timer that controls the level

    Create integer attributes:

    Then in the games rules, make a rule like this:

    When attribute Game.Level = 1
    Chg Attribute Game.LevelTimer -> x (seconds, this is setting how long the level will go for)

    Timer, Every 1 sec
    Chg Attribute Game.LevelTimer -> Game.LevelTimer - 1 (thats game.level minus one)

    When Game.LevelTimer = 0
    (insert your rule here to complete the level)
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