Pausing deletes my scores

nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys, I'm having a slight problem.
When i press my pause button it wipes the score back to 0.
I have made sure that there are no behaviours in the actor making it do that.
So I'm really not sure.

Thanks NiK


  • nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
    any one?
  • mithraweptmithrawept Member, PRO Posts: 167
    How are you pausing nikstaa? Are you using the Pause Game action? If so, check the code in the pause screen as it might be resetting your score.
  • nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
    Hey mithrawept, thanks i checked the code and pause was reseting the score.
    Thanks heaps, NiK.
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