Who can help with iphone publishing? Terribly lost right now!

taytay10taytay10 Member Posts: 66
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I know this is the wrong forum, but I am having a really tough time trying to submit my game to apple so that they can review it. I have watch the tutorials and am still lost. Any help would be great. Thanks.


  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    what part are you up to, what have/havent you done to your knowledge.

    e.g. acquired distribution profile and installed it/all other required certificates.
    gone onto itunes connect and clicked add an app, filled in all the information?
    if so, is your game "waiting for upload?"
  • taytay10taytay10 Member Posts: 66
    I have done everything, but was told that it has invalid codesign or soemthing like that so removed everything and want to start over again. Do you think you can walk me through it step by step?
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    invalid codesign means you didnt sign with a distribution profile, if your putting it onto the app store, when you publish the game on gamesalad, it cant be a developer provisioning profile, you have to select your distribution provisioning profile and make sure the bundle id matches the one you inputted on itunes connect when you added the app.

    as the developer profile is for publishing to YOUR iPhone.

    if your distribution profile isnt showing on under provisioning profiles during the gamesalad publishing interface, then you havent installed it.

    go onto iOS Developer Centre > Provisioning Portal > Provisioning > Distribution, make a profile, download and install it. and make sure you've downloaded and installed the distribution certificate on key-chain also.

    hope this helps!
  • taytay10taytay10 Member Posts: 66
    Okay so i removed the app from my list of apps and now when im trying to recreate it and use the same name for my app its telling me my app name is already in use how do i fix this?
  • 0belisk0belisk PRO Posts: 189
    assuming you were getting the "invalid codesign" error at the stage of uploading the compressed game file using Application Loader, you didnt need to delete the app. you just needed to re-publish it on gamesalad with the distribution profile instead, re-compress and then attempt to upload it again with Application Loader.

    no idea about that sorry, ive never deleted an app and tried to recreate it, are you sure its 100% deleted? it would appear its still in use if your getting that error, or perhaps theres just a delay for it to recognise that app name is now available again.

    rather wait and try again later, or use a different name.
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