Movies! Movies! Movies!
I'm still shocked that GS can't import movie files! Perhaps it's harder than I imagine, but I'd still love to see a push to make it happen. I would love to add production value to games with beautifully rendered cut scenes and movies. Please, please, pretty please, make this happen! Many thanks over!
This specific missing feature is easily my biggest frustration with GS right now.
I have a bunch of cutscenes and they take forever to implement.
We also need a folders system for media files. When you have hundreds of images in your game it takes far too long to scroll through them all.
I suppose i'll just put it in when GS gets video - whenever that is...
edit. The control of video to a frame level when combined with arrays would allow you to build matrixes of images that it would be possible to navigate through with a low memory overhead. This is very cool and would allow lots of new ideas to be developed.
The reason user can not use video in their apps is...............................................................................