Spawn "Game Complete"

Ice345Ice345 Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi everyone.
How do I spawn a Congratulations Game Complete after a certain distance?
The game is similar to an icopter game. I would like, after a distance of 750, players see, a Congratulations screen.

All help would be awesome.


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    well if you want a whole screen you can just set up the congratulations stuff in a new scene and have a rule when distance is greater then or equal to 750, change scene.

    Or if its just a little banner or somethign and/or you want to stay in the same scene what you can do is put your congrations actor on screen on a non scrollable layer and have its alpha 0 so u dont see it. Position it wherever you want it to appear. That way it will always be in the same spot of the camera no matter where in the scene you are cause its on the non scrollable layer. Then you can just change the alpha to 1 when you want distance is greater then or equal to 750

    hope that helps
  • Ice345Ice345 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks John. It helps heaps :)
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