Gamesalad Preview Not showing new spawns! :(

threepeasoupthreepeasoup Member Posts: 33
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I use gamesalad ingame preview a lot for fast prototyping and testing. Currently I have a spawn actor spawning enemies that collide with the player and move left at a constant speed. The problem arises when I preview the game and try to play, the spawned actors are colliding with the player without being present. There invisible enemies! So I tried doing some test and made player and enemy collide destroy the enemy. So some of the enemies do spawn with visuals, but they die and collide about half a iphone screen apart from my player. The player hits invisible enemy, and the sprite for that collided enemy is just entering the screen. Anyone know if this is a bug? Am I doing something wrong? Please help!


  • threepeasoupthreepeasoup Member Posts: 33
    I feel stupid -_-, I figured it out. I had the spawner on hud layer where it wasn't scrollable.
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