Can you lock keyboard imput after you have written in it?

nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys, just want to know if you can lock your keyboard input after you have written in it, like writting you name as the higest scorer and then making sure no one else can go into it and change it. If possible please let me know how to do so.

Thanks, NiK


  • nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
  • nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
    hello i need some help
  • morphinegamingmachinemorphinegamingmachine Member, PRO Posts: 449
    make the attribute text and in the rule where the keyboard gets pulled say it only works when
    actor is pressed (the one displaing the attribute)
    attribute=change name

    and then everytime u need to change the name in the highscore box u have a rule that changed the attribute back to change name and u can edit it again, but u cant unless it is =change name
    or "change name" can be anything u want "blank" "touch here" what ever u want
    this makes it so once u bring the keyboard up and change it it is not longer editible
  • morphinegamingmachinemorphinegamingmachine Member, PRO Posts: 449
    check out "crashing down" on the app store
    its free now
    but i have a pretty intricate high score page that implements what u are talking of
  • nikstaanikstaa Member Posts: 65
    thanks heaps it worked perfectly
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