Follow mouse

app2perfectapp2perfect Member Posts: 2
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I trying get "fluent" follow object to mouse, I found two solutions on this forum (on screen one in disabled - OFF), but present behaviour dont work flueant. I trying add timer and run 1000times / second but object has not kept pace mouse.

Here is screenshot for help

Anubody can tell me how get fluent follow object to mouse after mouse is clicked inside object or touch is inside object?



  • outsidethebyteoutsidethebyte Member Posts: 115
    I think I can answer your question.

    Try this:


    When touch is inside:

    Constrain self.Position.X to device.Mouse.Position.X

    Constrain self.Position.Y to device.Mouse.Position.Y

    Personally I would use device.touch.touch1.x or whatever it is, but I think that should work for the mouse as well. I would test it real quick but I'm not at home.

    Good Luck!
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    pilot.awk15 said:
    I think I can answer your question.

    Try this:


    When touch is inside:

    Constrain self.Position.X to device.Mouse.Position.X

    Constrain self.Position.Y to device.Mouse.Position.Y

    Personally I would use device.touch.touch1.x or whatever it is, but I think that should work for the mouse as well. I would test it real quick but I'm not at home.

    Good Luck!


    Also you can use mouse position just fine its the same as touch on the device. I usually always use
    mouse instead of touch.
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