Inclined plane

markovmarkov Member Posts: 20
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hello im working on my platform project and i really wanted to add some inclined planes for my actor to pass by.The problem is that when my actor tries to pass one inclined plane (hill climb) immediatly stop my walking animation(like he is not colliding with the ground) but continues to pass by.Also if i stop at the inclined plane my actor starts to slip and moving down.I cant find anyway to fix this, any thoughts?


  • gurechangurechan Member, PRO Posts: 211
    This would probably depend on how you have applied gravity, and are controlling the movement.

    Have you looked at this:
  • markovmarkov Member Posts: 20
  • markovmarkov Member Posts: 20
    Well this is not what im looking for,i want my actor when he start walking on the hill to animate the same as in the flat ground,the gravity is applied with the accelerate behaviour and is related to my player actor with 1000 acceleration what do you think ?
  • markovmarkov Member Posts: 20
    Ok i find the problem,i had a rule for my animation and an attribute for y motion so everytime i wanted to animate left walking i was checking if tha y motion=0 to avoid animation during falling or jumping so removing it solved the problem but now i have the walking animation when i fall and pressing left so thats a problem too,i have to fix this :/
  • wormilwormil Member Posts: 127
    Have a jumping/falling state, that if it is in this and you aren't on the ground, display falling otherwise display walking
  • markovmarkov Member Posts: 20
    I did it :) i also checked GS's platform template and i used Grounded template so now i check: if actor colides with ground ---> change grounded to true otherwise change it to false and then i made a rule animate left :if Self.Motion.Linera.Velocity.X<0 ,FacingRight is false and Grounded true animate.Now everything works perfect!
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