How do i change scores down ?!? :-)

David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I had to ask the question in form of a video because I wasn't making any sense when writing it, lol

Anyways, ANY help would be great !! THX



  • wormilwormil Member Posts: 127
    Without seeing your code, not sure the best way to do it...
    But I'd go with a touched state, that if you touched it in time, it sets the state, and an invisible actor behind, that if touched and say middle_state == 1, then points ok, if middle_state == 0, then fails test and - points.

    Just my thoughts from what you've shown.
  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    What I would do is when the note is CORRECTLY pressed, make it disappear.
    Therefore, I would create an invisible actor outside in the bottom of the screen and when the musical note touches or passes by that actor, then game.scorecount-1
    Just like the Pachinko Template:

    I have no idea how to do it if you don't want the note to disappear after correctly being pressed.

    Hope that helps!
  • wormilwormil Member Posts: 127
    Or his way works too.
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    jeje, yea DavidSalomon !!! That's so simple i started laughing ! great info !! I'll just make an invisible actor that if the note collides with it, it'll subtract the score !! :-)

    And Wormil thx to you too for the quick response ! thats why the GS Forum is the best !!

  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    No problem David ;)
    I'd like to know if you actually succeeded on your problem!
    Keep us in touch! :)

    - davidsalomon
  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    How's your game been doing?
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    So it worked perfectly !! Ha ha haaaa ( *evil laugh* ) I've run into a different problem now lol. I'm Trying to figure out how I can tell the game to play a music track ( I've got that part ) but to somehow let the engine know when the song is over to go to the next scene. Which would be a total notes hit scene type thing. Not sure if I'm making sense. Maybe I should upload another video. Lol. Lemme kno

  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    bump #2 :'(
  • keweworkshopkeweworkshop Member Posts: 377
    Could you just use a timer? Figure out how long the song is and then put a timer in that says after x amount of seconds change scene.
  • davidsalomondavidsalomon Member Posts: 136
    I've never put music in GameSalad.
    A really 'mechanical' way I'm thinking of is that you make some integer attributes that if it's a certain song, then it's attribute 'Song1' and if it's another song it's 'Song2'.

    And synchronize your attributes with your songs.
    Say, it's Song1, and you know that song lasts 120 seconds, then the integer value must be 120 seconds.
    Then, when the scene starts: Timer > change attribute > game.song1-1

    As I said, that's a VERY MECHANIC way, to make it smarter and automatic without creating an attribute for every song, I still don't know, I might be experimenting to help you out, but as I said, I've never used songs, I'm new to GameSalad ;)
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    Im gonna try both ways and I'll let you guys know ... I think i might start a DEV thread, i just wasnt sure if i had enough og the game going to start one. But I think I'll do that and post all my questions there. Im new to GS and this is my first game since I was 13 ( im 23 now ). Do you think this is too complex for my first game ? I eventually am going to have animated characters playing along to music as the musical notes come down. when the notes hit the buttons, then the score goes up ( down if you miss the notes ) once the song is done, I wanted to convert the score into "game currency" ( I'll come up with a clever name for it :) ) and then they can use the game currency to upgrade their character.

    Is that too complex ?

    Thx :)
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    friendly bump

  • One last bump. Need ma last question answered. Lol.
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