Need some help on a drawing tablet

johnydeejohnydee Member, PRO Posts: 196
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Ok so iam gonna go buy a wacom drawing tablet.I really havent gone into researching on it alot so i wanted to know what is a good size to use to make art for my games.Also can i sketch on a blank white paper a drawing and put it into gimp and trace over it with black outline?Iam thinking of getting a $100 tablet is that good enough?


  • johnydeejohnydee Member, PRO Posts: 196
    ok cool i was thinking of getting the $79 dollar size but i was thinking it might be too small or something.So thats good to know.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    I have an intuos for over 10 year and it stil rocks!
    You will have to get used to the monitor-eye-hand coordination but give it some weeks and you'll love it.
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    I've never had a bad experience with any Wacom product and if there is one under 100 dollars it will be more than worth it. Try a few the store if you can but be assured they are a great brand.
  • johnydeejohnydee Member, PRO Posts: 196
    yeah i tried to see one at best buy and the guy helping didnt know a thing about it cuz i asked all these questions and he just shot some bs anwsers.Than i asked if i can open to see one and he was being a jerk off so i just turned my back and walked away.But seems like i dont need an expensive one based on you guys experience.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    The smaller ones are even better in my opinion.
    I have an a6 but use only about 1/3 of it.
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    LudwigHeijden said:
    The smaller ones are even better in my opinion.
    I have an a6 but use only about 1/3 of it.

    That's because you use your hand not your foot.

    In truth I am not sure. I use a large Wacom and find small pads difficult to draw or edit very finely without zoom, but I have seen others use a small Wacom with amazing results... I guess its the difference much like fine brushwork with gouache, vs big brushes with oils. No wrong or right, just personal preference.
  • theCodeMonsterstheCodeMonsters Member Posts: 359
    It really comes down to what your budget is and what quality you want. I personally use the Cintiq and the intuos. I recommend you get the intuos if you can and if you can grab the Cintiq.
  • TinckellyTinckelly Member Posts: 7
    I've had nearly every size from A6 through to my current XL. Even had the 21" Cintiq for a couple of years. They all have pros and cons. The small ones are great but if you draw a lot can lead to RSI quite quickly. The larger ones allow bigger, more natural movements, from the elbow, which is healthier. But they take up huge amount of desk space and lead to a constant battle on where to put the keyboard.

    Start small and cheap.
  • johnydeejohnydee Member, PRO Posts: 196
    He guys Iam at best buy about to buy a tablet can I connect it to gimp ? It's a wacom bamboo and dosent Come with photoshop it comes with autodesk sketchbook express..
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