How to make character unlocks?
Hey there,
Just about done with my game, just need a little bit more help.
How would I make character unlocks?
Example: Finish world one and you unlock a new character?
I think I have a way on how to do it, but I thought I might as well post it here and see your answers for the easiest way on doing this.
This should also be a useful thread for some people in the future.
Thank you all,
Just about done with my game, just need a little bit more help.
How would I make character unlocks?
Example: Finish world one and you unlock a new character?
I think I have a way on how to do it, but I thought I might as well post it here and see your answers for the easiest way on doing this.
This should also be a useful thread for some people in the future.
Thank you all,
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My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Cause when they press the character, it brings them to the main menu. And then they can select which level they want to play.
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It will do that fine.
Could it be that I need to put the load attribute in the character actor?
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Okay, but what if I want to change back to the original character?
Same thing, just different attribute?
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So I have my main character, and when you beat level 30 you unlock a new character. Then, like I was told, I go to the unlock character icon, and make rule when attribute game.unlockcharacter1 is true - change image - and then save attribute.
That works I think.
Now, If I want to go back to the original character I have an icon for him too.
When touch is pressed : Change image to OriginalCharacter - Save attribute game.originalcharaceter.
But it seems it works for the first time, it will change to unlock character, then back to original character, then it wont work anymore, its stuck on the original character.
What if I used a integer attribute.
So when attribute game.unlockcharacter1 = 1
Change image to unlock character,
Save attribute etc
Then it might work for the other one?
Hope Im making sense.
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Maybe I won't have unlock able characters. Maybe just Achievements or something. Something where you just have to change an image. :P
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My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
My GameSalad Academy Courses! ◦ Check out my quality templates! ◦ Add me on Skype: braydon_sfx
Now picture it like me:
There is a scene with two images
Hero 1 and Hero 2
Hero 2 is locked and therfore you cannot touch it
Create attribute, Game.Hero...Integer...................1
Create Attribute, Levels Completed..Integer.........25
Create Attribute, Hero-2-Unlock...Boolean............False
Create Attribute, Choice Enabled..........................False
-Start Rule-
If Levls Completed >= 25
Change attribute, Hero-2-Unlock..................True
Save attribute Hero-2-Unlock...Key: unlocked
-End of-
-Start Rule-
If Hero-2-Unlock........True
Change image: Hero2SelectLocked Hero2SelectUnlocked
Change attribute: Choice Enabled.........True
-End of-
-Start Rule-
If Choice Enabled......True
touch is pressed Hero 2
Change Attribute, Game.Hero.......................2
-End of-
-Start Rule-
If touch is pressed Hero 1
Change Attribute, Game.Hero........................1
-End of-
In Each Level now do this
-If Game.Hero......................1
Spawn actor Hero 1, Position (x,y)
-End of-
-If Game.Hero......................2
Spawn actor Hero 2, Position (x,y)
-End of-
Its probably not the most efficient way, I am still a novice at gamesalad myself,
but I would assume this is how it works.
Ill try that later on tonight. Thanks for you help.
I'll let you know how it turns out.
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