Pixelmator 2.0
Pixelmator was updated today. It's a pretty awesome upgrade, as now it's the poor man's Illustrator, in addition to being the poor man's photoshop. This application is one of the main reasons that I'm happy I switched my main desktop computer to a Mac. (GameSalad is also another reason.)
This place is funny.
This thread is in the wrong category, but that's a separate issue. HA HA!
With Pixelmator, I managed to dramatically reduce the loading times of my game. That's because it can export to PNG Indexed. (I think that means the same as PNG-8.) The new tools are great and will probably help with future development.
I still haven't figured out how Content Aware works yet though.
I like the new Info bar... lots of cool data at the top... less floaty than the old options menu.