i have a scene with a lot actors moving but when certain is score is met can i stop everything or is better to send to another scenes with current score from that previous scene?
so i set when game.att, stars=5 pause game, so in the beginning stars are 0 and is counting1,2,3,4 but after 5 it just stays empty and my score, also why do i get the hello world, i have every.5 seconds add +10 to score, so how i set when scene is over save this score, and load it again and show my best score, if i save game.score keyword = score, do i have to load keyword=score and attribute. score?
If your actor is saying "Hello world" then it sounds like you may need to check your "display text" behavior. It looks like it's using the default.
And yeah, you need to have a load attribute for your save attribute behaviors. Usually you'll put that behavior in your first scene so when your player restarts the game it'll load that attribute first.
oh men i really suck in this save and load, i have try many ways already but still is not working, i also did this step by step and nothing. http://gamesalad.com/forums/topic.php?id=29910 let say my game is a survival game, for every .5 second i change game,att "currentscore " +10 and to finish my scene is when i reach 10 stars, but when i reach that everything keeps moving. so do i need to create a new actor, with a rule, when star=10 save "currentscore" key= current then another actor to load key=current att "currentscore" then i don't understand where i put this actors if i want to see my best score for each scene.
ok so finally i think i got it , just one more question, i create total of 2 global attributes for level 1, do i need to create different ones for each extra scene?so say you have 100 levels, this will make 200 game attributes?
so in the beginning stars are 0 and is counting1,2,3,4 but after 5 it just stays empty and my score, also why do i get the hello world, i have every.5 seconds add +10 to score,
so how i set when scene is over save this score, and load it again and show my best score,
if i save game.score keyword = score, do i have to load keyword=score and attribute. score?
And yeah, you need to have a load attribute for your save attribute behaviors. Usually you'll put that behavior in your first scene so when your player restarts the game it'll load that attribute first.
Hope that helps!
let say my game is a survival game, for every .5 second i change game,att "currentscore "
and to finish my scene is when i reach 10 stars, but when i reach that everything keeps moving.
so do i need to create a new actor, with a rule, when star=10 save "currentscore" key= current
then another actor to load key=current att "currentscore"
then i don't understand where i put this actors if i want to see my best score for each scene.