Need urgent help! somebody willing to teach me just this?

gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey I have a problem trying to spawn specific random actors like making a group of actors and spawn them randomly, The thing is that i tried an attribute and I didnt know how it worked, also I want to spawn this group of actors randomly at a random time, but another problem is that when i put a random time using a timer with "every" it justs randomly choose a number and stick to it, and what I want is from that range choose a random time every time it spawns can you help me out??


  • liamoliamo Member Posts: 191
    The trick with this is to have an integer attribute (I called mine fire) that when true turns the timer on.
    see this pic.
    that's the code.
    Good Luck
  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    hey thats great! I tried the integer attribute but when i do my rule the true and false option doesn't appear how do I fix that?
  • liamoliamo Member Posts: 191
    Sorry, I made a mistake, an integer can't be true, if you used a Boolean it could be true, but an integer is a number value, usually 1 equals true and 0 equal false. Sorry about that, entirely my fault.
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