EatingMyHatEatingMyHat Member Posts: 1,246
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
An all-new Gamesalad template, just before this forum is closed!

This template is based on the concept of a popular iOS game called Jungle Crash. The goal of the game is to land your plane safely by clearing the runway, while managing your ammo levels and using power ups. Your plane will automatically start to land when there are no more obstacles to destroy or if you run out of ammo. The gameplay is fun and require fast reaction and aim, careful aiming and strategy – all based on the specific level design.

This template is delivered as an almost complete game and is very easy to use; you can have a game up and running in very short time. Just add your own art and sounds and start creating levels. The actors are setup in a way that you can create a level by basically dragging and dropping the actors on the scene.

• Well documented code which will make it very easy to understand, navigate and modify
• Compete game mechanics, create more levels with ease
• 5 different Power Ups including speed boost, more ammo and altitude control
• Everything is recycled, no spawn and destroy
• Basic intro screen and menu with unlock-able content
• 4 sample levels tied to the basic menu system
• You get everything you see in the video (single Gamesalad project file), but please use your own art.
• The template does not include sound or music.

The price for this template is $15 until the Marketplace forum is closed October 31th.

If you would like to buy the template, please email me at ‘eatingmyhatstore [at] gmail.com’ and I will send you the details.

All the best,

BTW - sorry for the basic video, I had to rush it since I saw the notice about the forum being closed...

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