why when mouse is pressed inside actors moves down?
so imagine you have a scene 480 width 320 high, put a actor in the middle, then
i set this rule when mouse is pressed like inside this actor to
constrain self position x to mouse positions x
constrain seft position y to mouse position y
basically you all know what this does, and it works fine, but if i make the scene higher, ex. 1000 high and i move my camera yellow thing higher because i need working areas on top and button,
so now when i click on the actor like the mouse goes higher , like is not in the middle like it should.
i set this rule when mouse is pressed like inside this actor to
constrain self position x to mouse positions x
constrain seft position y to mouse position y
basically you all know what this does, and it works fine, but if i make the scene higher, ex. 1000 high and i move my camera yellow thing higher because i need working areas on top and button,
so now when i click on the actor like the mouse goes higher , like is not in the middle like it should.