Yet another published template :(

butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)

Also, go to more games, and you'll see more where that came from.


  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    Jesus... Peppa Pig?

    He's going to get into a WORLD of hurt for that...

    QS :(

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    Unfortunally this seems to be a growing trend. Its not only a gamesalad problem, all the unity demos and torque demos as well have been published by a bunch of different people. Its a sad lazy world we live in today :(

    heres a unity example:
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    That's sooo sad...
  • AppFueledAppFueled Member Posts: 308
    Yes, this is really sad and upsetting. But, I also have additional questions. How does something like this make it through the Apple approval process? According to the reviews, the controls don't work, the game is only one level that is 20 seconds long, and the music is ripped off from Super Mario Brothers. Seriously, how does this get approved? I think it's unjust for the developer to create what they did but I want to know how this gets approved...
  • keweworkshopkeweworkshop Member Posts: 377
    Specualtion but...perhaps they have someone on the inside working with them, and they all get a cut. ?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    I doubt they actually make much of anything. I think Apple really needs to step up the Review process to a point of Unique User Experience. I know it will suck cause a lot of games can be similar. but its one thing to be similar its a whole other thing to be blah no effort rip offs. The least they could do is spend a little time keeping up with the Various SDK templates out there and knock out any obvious ones.
  • dotsonj23dotsonj23 Member Posts: 316
    Its really sad. Apple should do a lot better at weeding out stuff like that. But think how bad its gonna get when android support comes. They do nothing to weed that crap out. What I don't get is why people do that anyway. Its not like they are going to make any money and they certainly are not in it for the fun since the fun is creating something of your own that you can be proud of (at least it is for me). After over a year I still have not published a game b/c I just don't think what I have done it worthy of the App Store. But boy am I having fun. Maybe I never will publish anything but I know for sure I will never publish anything I am not proud of.
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    dotsonj23 said:
    What I don't get is why people do that anyway.

    Because they have this way of thinking that says. "If you throw enough !@#$% at the wall as fast as you possibly can, Eventually Some of it will stick."

    Templates allow them to do that. and some of the templates come with very specific high quality Artwork that makes it look like a good game, making it that much easier to sling !@#$% faster than a monkey.
  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    I really think watermarking is the way to go. Really obvious watermarks, too. We know that "template publishing" happens on a regular basis. The only real protection is to make the graphics unpublishable. If not... We're going to see this happen again and again.
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    chaley said:
    I really think watermarking is the way to go. Really obvious watermarks, too. We know that "template publishing" happens on a regular basis. The only real protection is to make the graphics unpublishable. If not... We're going to see this happen again and again.

    its happened with complete water marked and shot out graphics, people are that stupid. Like i posted above its not just gamesalad, its every sdk. So i would just forget about it and just make your games :)
  • chaleychaley Member, PRO Posts: 226
    JohnPapiomitis said:
    its happened with complete water marked and shot out graphics, people are that stupid. Like i posted above its not just gamesalad, its every sdk. So i would just forget about it and just make your games :)

    Well, I think there is room for improvement for watermarking. When I mentioned the "really obvious" watermarks... I meant having text overlays that basically state "watermark - not for sale" ... and things like that. Make the graphics overpowered by text overlays that are hideous to look at and that clearly state they are "demo-only."

    I know it's a tougher sale to sell an "ugly" template... but just make sure the "youtube" or "video" demo of the template has the un-watermarked "clean" graphics and people will get an idea of what's there.

    I saw some watermarking on a template recently that could've been easily released to the unknowing public.

    I know it's not going to make it 100% safe... because like you said... some people are just flat-out-stupid... but it'd reduce the problem by a decent amount I think.
  • patm1982patm1982 Member Posts: 50
    its fun to read the reviews on their games. All of them look like scams. Most the games they didn't even spend enough time to write up a description. I am curious to see if they are actually making money, i'm sure there are enough people that buy it just because they see a similar name.

    But I have to say, there are soooooo many rip offs in the app store and in the GS community. And a lot of them do pretty well because people are already comfortable with the gameplay, or get confused by the name when downloading. And original games can be really tough to market..........o well I guess all we can do is make the kind of games we would want to play, and hope for a successful release.
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