Yet another published template :(
Also, go to more games, and you'll see more where that came from.
Also, go to more games, and you'll see more where that came from.
He's going to get into a WORLD of hurt for that...
Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...
heres a unity example:
Templates allow them to do that. and some of the templates come with very specific high quality Artwork that makes it look like a good game, making it that much easier to sling !@#$% faster than a monkey.
I know it's a tougher sale to sell an "ugly" template... but just make sure the "youtube" or "video" demo of the template has the un-watermarked "clean" graphics and people will get an idea of what's there.
I saw some watermarking on a template recently that could've been easily released to the unknowing public.
I know it's not going to make it 100% safe... because like you said... some people are just flat-out-stupid... but it'd reduce the problem by a decent amount I think.
But I have to say, there are soooooo many rip offs in the app store and in the GS community. And a lot of them do pretty well because people are already comfortable with the gameplay, or get confused by the name when downloading. And original games can be really tough to market..........o well I guess all we can do is make the kind of games we would want to play, and hope for a successful release.