Goodbye GS. It was fun while it lasted. Not your fault.

JoeMeisterJoeMeister Member Posts: 602
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I can take no more. I am unable for the last two weeks to load my apps onto the new iPhone.
Can't get rid of the "Code signing failed. Make sure provisioning, devel, and WWDR are installed." error.

And I have followed everybody's advise who had this problem as well.
It just takes all the fun out of building apps and I believe its Apples fault.
It's just to difficult with all the provisioning profiles and certificates and ID's.

I see the posts from all the new people that joined GS in the last couple of weeks and
looking for help with this mumbo jumbo and I feel bad for them cause I remembered going
through this myself.

And whenever there is a slight change in hardware or software we have to do it all over again.

I send a last PM to Tshirtbooth but I feel bad about this as well. He and others have helped so
much during the last year that I am starting to feel guilty.

I had it.

I think I go fishing now. Less stressful.


  • DigiChainDigiChain Member, PRO Posts: 1,288
    Such a shame. But I feel your pain - I struggle every single time there's an update etc. In fact I've put off reinstalling the viewer for a few weeks now!

    It would be great if someone would create updated videos walking us simpletons through the process. It seems the way it works / interface etc. is quite different to how it was when those original cookbook vids were created.

    I hope you have one last bash and sort it out Joe.
  • JoeMeisterJoeMeister Member Posts: 602
    Thanks Digi-chain, much appreciated.
    GS sure did a great job by making it easy
    to create without programming but I think
    everything else is just a nightmare.
  • old_kipperold_kipper Member Posts: 1,420
    Very sorry that you feel down enough to lift the pedal and take out the key. Things may change at the apple end as I'm very sure that apple will have to ease things for developers, so would keep an eye open for news of "easy-cert-n-prov". Perhaps making games for online would ease the pain? Anyway good luck and take care. Kipper
  • QuinnZoneStudiosQuinnZoneStudios Member Posts: 452
    Hey Joe,
    Sorry to hear all that. Fishing is good. Definitely take a break from it all and do something completely different. Feed the soul, stay away from the computer and recharge.
    Even though I've not done it myself, I do believe there is a way through it.
    You are right, it shouldn't be this hard! If TSB had trouble then you know it's not you.
    I do hope you will reconsider after a break. Come back fresh and with perseverance and some thorough step-by-step help, I do believe you will eventually succeed at publishing.
    Hope to see you here later :o)
  • butterbeanbutterbean Member Posts: 4,315
    Hey Joe,

    Sorry to hear about your frustration :(

    Myself and Tshirt had the same issue you were having, and it can be very daunting, and frustrating ... especially when you're spending upwards of 4-5 hours trying to solve the problem.

    Don't give up though, these issues that have come up recently are probably more frustrating than any other issues that ever came up, besides bugs.

    Hang in there and don't give up!
  • keweworkshopkeweworkshop Member Posts: 377

    I know you are frustrated, but giving up seems like a drastic measure, especially since you enjoy making apps. Maybe just take a break for awhile and then come back with fresh eyes and try again. Or, maybe you could hire someone for a few hours to come to your house or you go to theirs and have them help you walk through the process and troubleshoot. I have confidence that you will be able to figure it out, other people are doing it, you can too!
  • EbreezeEbreeze Member, PRO Posts: 481
    Hey Joe just take a week or two does wonders...or even a month. Whenever a newer Software or hardware update come along give a few weeks to let everyone figure the nonsense wishes
  • scitunesscitunes Member, Sous Chef Posts: 4,047
    Joe, I hope you come back and things work out for you.

    While this is in no way GS's fault I do think that it would be a wise business decision on their part to try and help with this issue. Seems like they should try and keep cookbook videos update with the newest versions of Mac OS, iOs, Xcode, iTunes Connect, Provisioning Portal, etc. If people get so fed up with dealing with this stuff it is going to hurt GS as well.
  • LumpAppsLumpApps Member Posts: 2,881
    Joe, sorry to hear this. I feel the frustration I've been there many times.
    Take a break and try again is as said before is what I would like to suggest.
    Meanwhile have a great catch!

  • RUPASRUPAS Member Posts: 823
    IOS5 I upgraded to the new xcode, all without problems. I only had a problem with the code signin ... and the solution was this, I always chose the profile viewer had for GS and always gave me error, what I did was choose the profile "TEAM ID" and then I worked all.
  • JoeMeisterJoeMeister Member Posts: 602
    Thank you all.
    I am pretty sure I will be back. Maybe I just wait until the next update and hope that
    by then these problems are gone.

    RUPAS I chose the iOS Team Provisioning Profile:*
    cause thats the only one with the * at the end and of course I tried
    the other ones I have as well. None will work.
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