Custom splash iPad still broken ?!

applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
As emailed to GS helpdesk :

I still haven't noticed an announcement about this major problem. It's wrong of you to advertise custom splash screen as a key selling point for Pro membership when it doesn't work!

Your site states :

"Nothing beats a first impression. The first thing your players see when opening your game can set the mood for their entire experience. Create your own custom splash screen and dazzle them in those first few seconds."

Wrong - the only thing that dazzles them is 7 seconds of bright white screen because this is broken.

You have many users waiting for a fix before they can release their games.

Please update me on this asap.



  • LiquidGameworksLiquidGameworks Anchorage, AKMember, Sous Chef Posts: 956
    "We've also completed a fix that improves the issue related to "white flashes" on custom splash screens on the iPad. We're working on introducing this fix to our live publishing servers ASAP. This fix/issue is not tied to any specific build of Creator."

    Didn't work, huh?
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    No! I've just built an ad-hoc version of the iPad game I'm waiting to release (update) and still getting about half a second of custom splash followed by 5 or 6 seconds of white.

    So its not working yet. 5 weeks since I reported it, probably longer for others.
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    What are other Pro users doing on their iPad games? Sticking with the gamesalad splash ?
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    My iPad game published off 0.9.71 has no custom splash issues. What is the first scene after your splash screen. Are there a lot of actors?
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    Its a one scene game but that shouldnt make a difference. GS are aware of this issue - they just havent fixed it yet
  • tenrdrmertenrdrmer Member, Sous Chef, Senior Sous-Chef Posts: 9,934
    It very well could have something to do with it. A one scene game means lots of loading that could be the cause. I have never had the issue but I always do a one actor splash screen after my custom splash. That means faster loading. Have you sent your project to GameSalad? They need your project to try to reproduce it.
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    Just built an ad hoc for a completely different project. And added a splash to test. The same thing happens.

    I get one second of the custom splash image, then a white screen for 3 seconds while the first scene loads. Then the scene shows. This time its not a one scene game. It loads just the menu scene and levels are in other scenes.

    Just can't understand why no-one else has mentioned this. Are other PRO users not getting problems with iPad splash screens?

    Thx, Philip.
  • dreamgoaldreamgoal Member Posts: 9
    Yes, it's still broken on iPad. I think GS just put bugs into a hat and pick them out at random tbh. They seem pre-occupied with adding new features (and breaking existing ones) than fixing their product. If my business ran like that i'd be unemployed by now.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I only have landscape left on my iPad game and had to put the splash image in upside down which seemed strange.

  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    Thanks @SSS but yesterday Yoda posted a yellow sticky proclaiming the major bugs from 0.9.85 have been fixed and NOTHING has been done about the iPad splash bug from an older GS release which I reported over two months ago. I keep getting fobbed off with "we're investigating it" emails from Tori - but surely older bugs should get precedence over new bugs.

    Edit : no offence to Tori, but frustrated that no movement with this.

    Splash screens is a main Pro feature - so should definitely be fixed by now.

    Please can you explain why it hasn't been fixed?
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    UtopianGames said:
    I only have landscape left on my iPad game and had to put the splash image in upside down which seemed strange.


    @Darren - does the splash show for the whole loading time though? Mine disappears almost immediately and left with a white screen.

    And I think thats another unaddressed bug. The orientation doesn't change on iPad apps. Even game center and notifications come in from the side in landscape rather than from the top.
  • dreamgoaldreamgoal Member Posts: 9
    SaladStraightShooter said:
    Resources are applied to the issues, but the reality is that everything can't be fixed at one time - this is the nature of software development.

    I appreciate that not everything can be fixed at once, but your priority should always be fix the bugs first, introduce new features later. imho resources are not being allocated to the correct things. The time you've spent giving us android publishing (which doesn't work) could have been spent fixing outstanding bugs instead.
  • applaudmobileapplaudmobile Member Posts: 208
    I understand everything you say but the custom splash is a stand alone feature that should not impact on any other game engine functionality. It displays an image while the first scene loads. Are you saying at least one person has been "investigating" this for over 2 months? It's fix has missed two subsequent releases.

    More likely it has been put on the back burner - if it has been under "investigation" for 2 months someone there needs firing. And meanwhile, conveniently, we're forced to use to the GS movie splash which does work.
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