Side scrolling your camera

FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Does anyone know how to make your camera side scroll. For example if you are using the Cannon template and you want to be able to scroll over to see the blocks how do you make that happen? (I've tried using the tutorial video for the menu, but couldn't get it working for this particular scene correctly).


  • FallacyStudiosFallacyStudios Member Posts: 970
    Thanks tshirtbooth. Ya I'm using the menu video you made. Worked great on my menu. For some reason when I try to use it on the Cannon physics template it seems like the camera isn't constraining to the cam actor even though the camera constrain is on it. Would you happen to know why?

    Basically the drag actor is dragging as it should. The cam actor is following the drag actor as it should. But the camera is not following the cam actor.
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