How Do I do multitouch in a game?

gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a game that if you touch it, the actor will destroy but the thing is that a lot of actors appear and it takes a while to destroy them with one hand, how do I activate multitouch, and change the landscape so when you turn your ipod to the side it will just adjust automatically


  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    question 1: under the device attributes there a attribute called touch count. Use that for multi touch. So if you wanted to do somethign when theres 2 fingers on the screen you would put in a rule when touch count=2

    question2: go into the scene attribute and youll see autorotate. check whatver orientations you want to be able to rotate to
  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    but how do I apply the rule? can you give me an example or something i found the devices attribute and i put it the count in two how do I make that to destroy the actors with multitouching?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    gmedina.172 said:
    but how do I apply the rule? can you give me an example or something i found the devices attribute and i put it the count in two how do I make that to destroy the actors with multitouching?

    Rule: when attribute touch.count=2
    -destroy actor

    its a simple as that.

    If you want it to only destroy the actor your touching do

    Rule: When touch is pressed AND attribute touch.count=2
    -destroy actor

    hope that helps
  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    So I have to apply that to all my actors?
    thank you!!!
  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    I have a last question! I did what you told me, but when I try to click one it doesnt destroy do you think I should put when Game touches is greater or equal to 1 destroy?
  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    JohnPapiomitis said:

    If you want it to only destroy the actor your touching do

    Rule: When touch is pressed AND attribute touch.count=2
    -destroy actor

    hope that helps

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    tshirtbooth said:
    no john, i think he just wants to kill lost of things on the screen but with both thumbs. and sometimes he has 1 thumb down so the other will not register because its a touch 2 and touch 1 already is down.

    you wil need to set up a multi touch system.

    i made a demo file if you want o email me.


    Awesome Cool Menu TEMPLATE
    5 Core controle elements PART 2

    ahh i know what your saying

    posting while intoxicated should be a crime hehe my b
  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    Hey TSB. If u don't mind. Can I email u as well for that demo file. I have a game going that I'm gonna need that multitouch system in. Well lemme kno. Thx.

  • David_GryphonsRealmDavid_GryphonsRealm Member Posts: 459
    bump ( for the question to TSB )

  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    hey i solved my multitouch problem you just have to make a rule
    IF actor receives event (touch) AND attribute game.touch.count is greater or equal to 1
    Destroy actor, that shall work fine, just remember to have your touch count attribute more than 2
  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    I have anoother question, my touch sensitivity is very bad if you make a light tap it wont destroy the actor any idea how to fix that? ( make a light tap to destroy actor)
  • JadarStudiosJadarStudios Member Posts: 264
    I don't think the touch screen has pressure sensitivity.
  • gmedina.172gmedina.172 Member Posts: 94
    so you cant? :S
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