
cnmeyer1980cnmeyer1980 Member, PRO Posts: 211
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hi guys,

I'm working on a little christmas game where you have to throw presents from Santa's sack and they have to hit the chimney's below.

I have the game working, apart from 1 vital part, the houses are scrolling along, which is great - however, I need to put in some invisible objects to overlay the chimneys, so when the present touches the invisible object a point is added to your score.

I was going to do this by spawning invisible actors at the same speed as the moving houses and then destroy the actors once they have disappeared off screen, however, this doesn't seem to be working :-(

Can anyone suggest how I can do this? i've had a look through the site and on the gamesalad templates that come with the software, but i can see, to see anything that can help me with this.

I'm happy to pay someone couple of $$ if they can help out here :-)




  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    So Santa is still and your scrolling the houses? Depending on how many actors your moving i would probably suggest having one big scene and moving the santa like in our JetPack Template below.


  • quantumsheepquantumsheep Member Posts: 8,188
    cnmeyer1980 said:
    Hi guys,

    I'm working on a little christmas game where you have to throw presents from Santa's sack and they have to hit the chimney's below.

    I have the game working, apart from 1 vital part, the houses are scrolling along, which is great - however, I need to put in some invisible objects to overlay the chimneys, so when the present touches the invisible object a point is added to your score.

    I was going to do this by spawning invisible actors at the same speed as the moving houses and then destroy the actors once they have disappeared off screen, however, this doesn't seem to be working :-(

    Can anyone suggest how I can do this? i've had a look through the site and on the gamesalad templates that come with the software, but i can see, to see anything that can help me with this.

    I'm happy to pay someone couple of $$ if they can help out here :-)



    You can recycle the houses.

    When they go off-screen (say -100 depending on the size of the house) have it change its X coordinate to something off-screen on the other side (say x=520 for example).

    Experiment to see what works best there...


    You can have each house be an individual house - say you use four houses.

    Number them 1-4.

    Then have four invisible chimney actors. Number them 1-4.

    Constrain chimney 1 to the X/Y position of the chimney on House 1

    Do the same with the other chimney's and houses.

    That should do it.

    Hope that helps,

    QS :D

    Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home...

  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    I think my post was pretty helpful not sure why it got deleted?

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    UtopianGames said:
    I think my post was pretty helpful not sure why it got deleted?


    i didnt delete it or even see your post but did you have anything in there about a service or charging for something? Or did you have one of your IMAGE signatures linking till your templates liek you usueally have?

    Because remeber its monday now. As of today all that will be deleted.
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    No i had a video of our jetpack template to show him what i meant along with some advice but didn't try to sell him anything...things are getting weird round here :P

  • JohnPapiomitisJohnPapiomitis Member Posts: 6,256
    UtopianGames said:
    No i had a video of our jetpack template to show him what i meant along with some advice...things are getting weird round here :P


    i guess it was cause it was a video for a template you have for sale. None of thats gonna fly as of today
  • UtopianGamesUtopianGames Member Posts: 5,692
    Ahh i will be on my guard then so no links in someone is going to be busy keeping on top of that:)

  • cnmeyer1980cnmeyer1980 Member, PRO Posts: 211
    Hi guys,

    Thank you for your help - very useful - cheers guys.
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