Why Does Constrain Attribute Only Work Once ????

VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
I have a button (Actor1) that when touch.released it sends the camera X to 320 and at that page another button (Actor2) that has when touch.released it sends camera X to 0 which works.....BUT ONLY ONCE.

so im back on my main page and click actor1 again and nothing happens ???

Anyone know where im going wrong ?


  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    First , you already opened a thread for your question so no need to open 2 threads ,
    a moderator can delete this one ,
    second , your title has nothing to do with the post itself , so try to be consistent next time .

    Third , I'm trying to help you in the first thread you opened , so go check it .

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