Knocked off of constrained position = shaking

Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Hey guys,

I'm hoping someone else has seen this problem and has some kind of solution for it.

I have a runner type game. I have my character constrained to an x coordinate. There are rare times where the character can collide head on with a platform that knocks him ever so slightly off of his constrained position. When that happens, the character starts shaking really badly and it starts to effect the performance of the game.

I've tried a few solutions. I tried an interpolation back to the constrained point. That doesn't work. Also, just so you know I'm trying very hard to make it so the character doesn't collide with the platform, but its very difficult. Imagine a character running through the clouds. I have to have him be able to jump up through them, but be able to land on them. So its very difficult to make it so there is never a circumstance where the character hits the platform from the front.

Anyway, I was hoping someone else may have seen this and found a good solution. Thanks very much!


  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Just wanted to try one time to bump this, in the hopes that someone else has run into this problem. Thanks everyone.
  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Thanks guys,

    I can't make the density of the character 10000, he uses gravity and whatnot so his density needs to be somewhat reasonable.

    But I hadn't seen that video. That method of controlling the collision on the object seems like a better one that what I've been using. I'll give that a shot and see if it does the trick. Thanks!
  • Fodder76Fodder76 Member Posts: 154
    Hey Tshirtbooth. Great video. Quick question though. Why is it necessary to define the x boundaries of the platform relative to the player? I can't think of a reason why you'd need to define anything other than the fact that the player is above the platform. Can you let me know your thought process, I just want to make sure I understand this as well as possible. I must be missing something. Thanks!
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