Can Tag only be used with the Collide Rule ???

VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
So I have a page with over 25 buttons on, when pushed it moves to another part of the page and turns an actor (image) to Alpha 1(using change attribute to true).

When they click the back button it turns the image Alpha back to 0 (false) so when the next button is pushed it trigger off another image to Alpha depending on which button they push.

At the minute I have 25 rules on the Back Button which are the same "when touch is pressed, Change attribute . Game image1 Alpha to 0" I have this 25 times with Image1 to Image25.

Is there away to just have when back button is pushed, change attribute...any image with tag "Test" turn Alpha to 0.

Im not sure how to do this as the videos on Tagging only show up with the Collide Rule?

Hope someone can help with this as have over 325 images.



  • POMPOM Member Posts: 2,599
    I think , (meaning I'm not sure cause i don't see your code)..
    If you name your png images with a keyword like , "alpha" , meaning you png will be called :
    "background 1 alpha.png"

    then you can make a game.attribute - TEXT - call it "Game image Alpha change" .

    now when you activate the your trigger , also
    change - game.Game image Alpha change TO "alpha" .

    Then in you actors , make a rule ,
    When - Self.Name CONTAINS - game.Game image Alpha
    Do what you want .

    What we do here is using text attribute to contain a keyword (in your case "alpha")
    Then in the actor we check if the image name contains this keyword .

    Its kinda advanced but its doable ;)

  • VoiceExpressVoiceExpress Member, PRO Posts: 102
    Thanks P.O.M

    Will Try that Now
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