Multitouch conflicting with iPad built-in gestures - help needed

ourhouseourhouse Member Posts: 31
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
My app is using multitouch to trigger actions... e.g., touch button 1 and get X, touch button 1 and 2 at the same time and get Y, all the way to 10 possible buttons touched at one time (both hands/10 fingers). The logic is working, but if "Multitasking Gestures" is turned on (iPad 2) a conflict occurs, e.g., touches sometimes get interpreted as pinching, and it messes up the game. I could provide instructions that "Multitasking Gestures" in Settings should be turned off when using the app, but that is kind of a hassle for users. Is there a way to turn off "Multitasking Gestures" within GS that would be specific to the app? Any ideas would be appreciated.
Thanks, Jill
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