When are joints and inApp purchases coming?

liamnelsonliamnelson Member Posts: 26
edited November -1 in Working with GS (Mac)
Just a quick question and I don't mean to start a heated discussion, But weren't joints and inApp purchases pushed back to an October release and we are already in Novemeber.


  • marcosxraymarcosxray Member, PRO Posts: 28
    Today is november 1.... so... where is the october release 0.9.90 (in-app purchases, joints, tables)?
  • liamnelsonliamnelson Member Posts: 26
    tshirtbooth said:
    i don't know but I'm waiting for joints real bad.
    i have so many ideas for them.

    Fingers crossed for next build.


    Do we have some sort of estimate for the next Build? like is it going to be within a couple of weeks or until the end of November?
  • SlickZeroSlickZero Houston, TexasMember, Sous Chef Posts: 2,870
    Sous don't even have a beta build yet, apparently, so It won't be today. It's only the 1st, and they say the Roadmap is only an outline, and not a guarantee of releasing new builds on the 1st of every month.

    I feel your pain, though. I'm also looking forward to joints, and tables as well. Hopefully it'll be real soon.
  • HapiappsHapiapps Member Posts: 373
    Awesome, I'm starting to like this new Head Chef :)
  • FranzKellerFranzKeller Member Posts: 517

    To see what character joints can do, try new "Scribblenauts Remix" for iPad!
    What a great game, finally on our platform.

    If we could have even some of this type of functionality on GS, creative possibilites
    would MULTIPLY!
  • mu-kowAPPSmu-kowAPPS Member Posts: 233
    ok, so wait a week or two for next release.

    any word on what features might make their debut?
  • StormyStudioStormyStudio United KingdomMember Posts: 3,989
    Loving all the responses from SaladStraightShooter, its great to see you around the forum so much.

    Personally I'd love to start tinkering with In app purchases for my current game.

    Finally getting properly back into a gamesalad project after a slow month or two...
  • 3xL3xL Member Posts: 676
    this is great news, i'm really hoping for that facebook/twitter add on :p

    sort those bugs out! i hate bugs! :p
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